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Welcome to IJM Wings Level Archive!
BIG News: We have moved! ;)
Oh yes. First update in almost ten years. IJM Wings Level Archive may have been forgotten, but it hasn't been abandoned! It's been here all these years for you suomipeli-oldtimers! Although the domain ijmlevels.cjb.net hasn't been working since who knows when. But now it's time to move! I've given up on my trusty old home page platform provider MBnet. So eventually this page will be removed from the server, or the server will be shut down for good some day.
That's why I have copied this site to a new corner in the cyber-space.
IJM Wings Level Archive can be found archived at http://ilesj.kapsi.fi/archive/ijm/.
And who knows - maybe we make a comeback in another ten years... ;)
Show me old news & updates.
Why not drop us a line? E-mail me, ile of ijm, for the old times' sake! It's ilesj-MIUKUMAUKU-kapsi-dot-fi